Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 10th 2016 - News Day

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Below you will find all the solutions to News Day Crossword from September 10th 2016.

September 10th 2016 Answers

Clue Solution
”Call no day happy __ it is done”: Solzhenitsyn TIL
”Sopa” alternative ENSALADA
”The Economist” basis of world purchasing-power comparison BIGMAC
”The Seine at Asnières” is one RENOIR
”Watch this space” MORELATER
13 Down closer ISM
3-D as photos in NASA-speak STEREO
62 Across rivals ILLINI
Antonym of ”dated” MODERN
Apollo twosome originally LAMBDAS
Arab League member YEMEN
Badly thrown ATSEA
Big Ten newcomers TERPS
Campus organization once sponsored by B’nai B’rith HILLEL
Certain agency’s offering TEMP
City served by Galileo Airport SIENA
Classic discontinued in 2014 IPOD
Compression indicator ETC
Confident confirmation IDID
Descriptor for some algae ONECELLED
Digital imaging giant AGFA
Dow Jones Industrial 1973-2003 EXXON
Drive e.g IODEVICE
Emulates Hercules in his constellation KNEELS
G.W. at first PRES
Gathering of moles INTEL
Genre influenced by Fats Domino SKA
Had something ATE
Having a plot hole perhaps HOED
Hoop’s lack ENDS
How many like their muffins MOIST
Mojave Desert roamers BURROS
Move effortlessly SAIL
Musician ”on chains” in ”Monster Mash” IGOR
Name from Old Norse for a magical creature ALF
Nominal damage SMALLFEE
Not just look FIXATE
Oh-so pretentiously TRES
Perform in some SeaWorld shows WATERSKI
Pig tail LET
Pope during Elizabeth I’s reign STPIUSV
Portrays LIMNS
Precipitate RAPID
Primeval AGEOLD
Productivity aid per ”Psychology Today” ALONETIME
Red __ ALERT
Response to a riot HAHA
Round for a course STEAK
Shade similar to oxblood ROAN
Societies for short ORGS
Spoiler often NANA
State name per a European constitution EIRE
Tablet sold at Staples ACER
They’ll tie up your 60 Across CDS
They’re unlikely to have strong hands BLUFFERS
Thing to take a belt from FLASK
Three-legged five-footers Babygrands
Time __ WARNER
Tops with ice perhaps NUMBS
Ultimate basis GERM
Unconfident confirmation IGUESS
What might be heard with a head shake TSK
What you’d be embarrassed to be called on LIE
Words on some reps’ buttons ASKME

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