Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 3rd 2017 - Mirror Quiz

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Below you will find all the solutions to Mirror Quiz Crossword from April 3rd 2017.

April 3rd 2017 Answers

Clue Solution
First letter in the Hebrew alphabet ALEPH
Hale —, 1990 US Open golf championship winner IRWIN
National parliament of Iceland ALTHING
Nocturnal hyena-like mammal that inhabits the plains of southern Africa AARDWOLF
1982 action film starring Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner TRON
Richard —, choreographer; Rambert Dance Company artistic director from 1986-92 ALSTON
City in Ticino, southern Switzerland, near the Italian border LUGANO
God of war in Greek mythology ARES
Abel —, prime minister of the unrecognised state of Zimbabwe Rhodesia in 1979 MUZOREWA
Rudyard —, winner of the 1907 Nobel Prize in Literature KIPLING
Lean end of a neck of veal or mutton SCRAG
Kaye —, actress who played Lucy Archer in BBC TV drama series The Lakes WRAGG
— Studios, filmmaking complex west of central London that opened in 1936 PINEWOOD
Ninth letter of the Greek alphabet IOTA
Country in NE Africa; capital Asmara ERITREA
1867 novel by Anthony Trollope set in Prague NINABALATKA
Highly poisonous herbicide used as a spray for crop destruction by the US during the Vietnam War AGENTORANGE
Charles —, author of novels Ham on Rye and Post Office BUKOWSKI
Wire in a British power plug coloured green and yellow EARTH
Imperial dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644 MING

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