Saturday, April 8, 2017

April 9th 2017 - News Day

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Below you will find all the solutions to News Day Crossword from April 9th 2017.

April 9th 2017 Answers

Clue Solution
Algerian port ORAN
Tough guys HEMEN
Syrian leader ASSAD
Spots on dice PIPS
Have the nerve DARE
Italian emotion AMORE
Ripped off STOLE
Capital on a fjord OSLO
''Piedra de Sol'' poet OCTAVIOPAZ
''Herzog'' author SAULBELLOW
Gets going after a shutdown RESTARTS
Kitchenware collection PANS
Noble exploits DEEDS
Alternatively ELSE
Do a veterinary job SPAY
Jellied garnish ASPIC
Part in reserve SPARE
Avengers of myth FURIES
Raindrops sound PITAPAT
Shakespearean prince HAL
''Beloved'' novelist TONIMORRISON
Snack with a shell TACO
Poetic planet ORB
Conventional pattern NORM
Barred to outsiders GATED
Bikini part BRA
Mandolin cousin UKE
''The Magic Mountain'' novelist THOMASMANN
Stares at OGLES
Road-repair material TAR
German Johnny HANS
Gives as a source CITES
Put back on a blog REPOST
Sparse THIN
Kardashian sister KHLOE
Trade org. ASSN
Gain altitude ASCEND
Tiara inset JEWEL
''I __ out of here!'' AMSO
911 responding grp. EMS
Street lingo SLANG
''The Good Earth'' novelist PEARLSBUCK
Compete in a regatta ROW
Lap dog, for short POM
Satin's quality SHEEN
Fashion editor Wintour ANNA
Beehive State collegian UTE
Cassowaries' cousins EMUS
''Ah, Wilderness!'' playwright EUGENEONEILL
Costa __ Sol DEL
Coffee specification NOSUGAR
Not family fare RATEDR
Place to cybershop EMALL
Windmill part ROTOR
Name on the cover of ''Frankenstein'' MARY
Steinbeck character OKIE
''Nevermore'' squawker RAVEN
$5 bills, so to speak ABES
Buzz Lightyear or Buck Rogers SPACEMAN
''Open Secrets'' short-story author ALICEMUNRO
Category for which the nine writers have won a Nobel LITERATURE
Former poet laureate Van Duyn MONA
Agree to join OPTIN
Honda's upscale brand ACURA
Plays for a fool USES
Lowly worker PEON
100 clams CNOTE
Typical taxi SEDAN
Podded plants PEAS
Telltale sign ODOR
Candidates' campaign RACE
Creative expressions ARTS
Comparatively clever NEATER
Narrow margins HAIRS
Ham it up EMOTE
Janitorial tools MOPS
Slice of history ERA
Pince-__ glasses NEZ
Ore analyzer ASSAYER
Lee of comics fame STAN
''Marching Along'' autobiographer SOUSA
The whole ball of wax ALL
Young socialite DEB
Old West scoundrel POLECAT
Any of the Keys ISLE
Walk wearily PLOD
Some in sties SOWS
Catering hall worker VALET
Trim to fit, perhaps EDIT
Meager hand PAIR
Diploma word of honor SUMMA
Tennis club figure PRO
Friend of Fido SPOT
Freshener scent PINE
Loud call SHOUT
Heavy coat PARKA
''The Stranger'' novelist ALBERTCAMUS
Lawyers' employers FIRMS
Contract endorser SIGNEE
''España en el corazón'' poet PABLONERUDA
Much land ACRES
Banquet ritual TOAST
In inventory ONHAND
Divider of the day NOON
__ serif typeface SANS
Gets by DOESOK
First-first link THINGS
''Uh'' sound SCHWA
Long-distance athlete MILER
Lagoon surrounder ATOLL
Rental-car extra GPS
Scoundrel RASCAL
Female fowl HEN
More acute KEENER
Colorado resort ASPEN
Video replay technique SLOMO
Digital photo format JPEG
Civil War general Doubleday ABNER
Tax-free bond, for short MUNI
TripAdvisor listing MOTEL
Yellowish red SANDY
Fervor HEAT
Peseta's replacement EURO
''No problem for me!'' SURECAN
Skeptic's challenge NAMEONE
Frat letters ETAS
''Jingle Bells'' contraction OER
Canon competitor LEICA
Having left GONE
Get together (with) MEETUP
Totaled, as a bill RANTO
Mozart genre OPERA
Designer Donna KARAN
Sloping passage RAMP
Natural balm ALOE
Bottiglia ristorante VINO
Telly watcher BRIT
Fancy button STUD
Ruminate MUSE
Surface extent AREA
Ending for eager NESS
Comfy slip-on MOC
Network that merged with the WB UPN
Part of UNLV LAS
Glacier, essentially ICE

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