Friday, February 9, 2018

February 10th 2018 - Mirror Cryptic

Thank you for visiting Crossword Solutions.

Below you will find all the solutions to Mirror Cryptic Crossword from February 10th 2018.

February 10th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
Business rated badly TRADE
Furthest sort of route OUTER
Brigade's gear RIG
Conversed about poetry VERSE
A step taken quickly APACE
Study of cadences DEN
Catch in one trap NET
Originally called in one engineer NEE
Number of contents TEN
Complete space with flag ENTIRE
Language in another sentence ERSE
Border of hedges EDGE
Feebly, say, but regularly WEEKLY
Shade of credibility RED
Is more than one? ARE
Hardly sending ton back NOT
Bragged about scrap RAG
First character donated plant AGAVE
Representative time with book AGENT
People of Armenia MEN
Residence right for old Greek HOMER
Small wine for fun SPORT
Canter off in a daze TRANCE
Mature pier design RIPE
A stage constructed of stones AGATES
It happened in the Seventies EVENT
Arrange by command ORDER
Roused about employment USE
Contented with tepee TENT
Endlessly regretting destruction RUIN
Deer confused about one duck EIDER
Encourage farm produce EGG
One writer's novel NEW
Swimmer feeling around EEL
About to have nothing but caviar ROE
Many do upset supplier of power DYNAMO
Range of former explosion includes energy EXTENT
Keen to agree to change EAGER
Takes out poet KEATS
Brushed with haste RUSH
Daughter gets sheep to drink DRAM
Finished six deliveries OVER
Time of pageantry AGE

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