Friday, April 6, 2018

April 7th 2018 - Irish Times Crosaire

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Below you will find all the solutions to Irish Times Crosaire Crossword from April 7th 2018.

April 7th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
27 across is hammered and gets clipped by one of those associated with The Polish TOENAIL
A conservative made out Spain appeals to those in study ACADEME
An option to update silly Fresher REFRESH
Authoritative type from Ring in hospital ward removing foreign bodies perhaps REFINER
Away goalie catches unbelievable header getting the accolades EULOGIA
Bit of Bacardi punch for those who like their sauce DIP
Bridge notices rewritten for school with numerous representatives CROSSSECTIONS
Catch sight of first drummer with Genesis SEED
Characters in Dostoevsky's Tests the Water TOE
Cover by unpatriotic group of musicians TRIO
Discovers jobs for musicians beginning to go in party up north DIGSUP
Does a job at bar offering snappy grills CROSSEXAMINES
Encourages a grin and that's coming from the posers CHEESE
Fragment of overwritten anthology on the landlord's books TENANT
Gone off to cover initial posting with resistance and grips the papers in one go STAPLER
Harry Street fenced in by foreign aristocrat PESTER
Has come up with a Trim chipper regular for a hot, dry African spread SAHARA
In my view, there'll be tears over this involving detective OPINION
In retrospect, old railway heading out of train station is explosive for those in the shipping game TORPEDO
Initial cap on revenue from endless shoot with models leads to mix-ups CROSSPURPOSES
Listen secretly, going on ahead after a sound type EARWIG
Local mouthy type found in San Domingo bar GOB
Locked up in Guggenheim - a museum preaching to the faithful IMAM
Man taken out of terminal has capacity to hold less than two pints LITRE
Ocean-liner going around Sao Tiago Island SAND
Oriental reader gets to decide who goes to the park? ELECTOR
Parody of those in Budapest APE
Previous night's sample of herringbone vests EVES
Questionable space for sweetheart to get free ESCAPE
Sent via train by locals NATIVES
Serves up restaurant order that's covered in grease OILED
Strike out for all sides today CROSS
Switch sides - politically speaking with one of those in The Park and most of them on the level CROSSTHEFLOOR
Taste sample of delicatessen seasonings SENSE
Thought that came from some outside agency IDEA
Tried to abandon tragedies for a long time AGES
Turns up, graduate hides revenue from director - on the surface, could hold water? ADSORB
War is hell for the banks in Berlin WALL

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