Wednesday, May 16, 2018

May 17th 2018 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from May 17th 2018.

May 17th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
Relief when one gets into pole position ASSISTANCE
Italian city's first pub? BARI
Giant waves stopping the sea vessel BRIGANTINE
Prison time breaks a gentleman STIR
Trees of R. Hood's world, primarily? Could be SHERWOODFOREST
Unknown on second team is eccentric SCREWY
Informant entertains trendy company with introduction to Apple Mac RAINCOAT
Newspaper article twice backed setter? AGARAGAR
Henry needs gas to cook mullet, perhaps HAIRDO
Composer marks Kirov's OK year with new composition RIMSKYKORSAKOV
Departed in high spirits after losing case LATE
Succeeded in real estate, securing one affluence PROSPERITY
Make clear nothing needs cutting back EARN
Son felt unsettled in cramped aircraft's first trip TESTFLIGHT
American doctor wants old desk AMBO
Sister restricts nimble movement of snake? SLITHER
Resort to quarrel about right to sell small birds SPARROWHAWKS
Proceedings in a court over one charged ACTION
North American's promised land surrounding vacant deli CANADIAN
Style of, say, Tatum O'Neal's top clothing last month ARTDECO
Watering requires tons, not gallons – that's a bother IRRITATION
Ring is in perfect condition SOUNDASABELL
I sell padre buckle for shoe ESPADRILLE
Can uplifting part of Mass produce warrior maiden? VALKYRIE
Poking about in jumper can start to grate ROOTING
Cheers for model PROSIT
English play about small island EYOT

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