Friday, May 18, 2018

May 19th 2018 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from May 19th 2018.

May 19th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
Mother cradling head of science teacher MASTER
Hit a bloke sticking his oar in STROKE
Commercial program sampling a review of Google raw data ADWARE
Miss knocking back lager with lad at wedding SLIPPAGE
Facile government politician GLIB
Held in Italian city, earl gets thinner TURPENTINE
When the pub shuts, Scot gets hammered with gin and lime CLOSINGTIME
Stoned, Buffalo Bill's touring Maine for the witty banter HIGHCOMEDY
It's bloody Al ... GORE
... acting so strangely, without any creative conviction AGNOSTIC
Bay on American lake a secluded area once ALCOVE
Embarrassed about my previous career RECORD
Sportsperson first in park, exercising early PLAYER
City somewhere between Uzbekistan and Bulgaria ISTANBUL
Merciful Pope left out material used for bonding CEMENT
Initial sighting of submarine missile - quite aggressive! STRIDENT
Weather permitting, wearing garment created from recycled material made in Jersey? COWPAT
Tummy upset? Stupid, led astray! MIDDLE
English fiancée regularly crashed motor ENGINE
Plastic syringe can't have sharpness ASTRINGENCY
Southern Yankee admits nothing concerning aid for 17 to avoid 10 SNOWTYRE
Digital whisky measure? FINGER
One steering French bank takes on debtor DRIVER
Hour-old over-the-counter hot grog HOOTCH
Annual Yuletide vacation on Australian Railway YEARLY

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