Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 9th 2018 - Usa Today

Thank you for visiting Crossword Solutions.

Below you will find all the solutions to Usa Today Crossword from July 9th 2018.

July 9th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
___ Lee cakes SARA
Crusty buildup CRUD
Moons, marbles et al. ORBS
Bunsen burner locale LAB
Gray-hiding treatments DYEJOBS
It's set for dinner TABLE
Words similar to 47-Across ISAY
Ominous appearance in "Jaws" FIN
Trendy reducing plans FADDIETS
Leave room between lines DOUBLESPACE
They give sitters the jitters IMPS
Father of Fredo VITO
School near Windsor Castle ETON
Finishes a triathlon RUNS
Peak in "Heidi" ALP
"Bad Girls" singer DONNASUMMER
Makes sharp again HONES
Network junctions NODES
Elicit a "Wow!" from AMAZE
Catcher in Larsen's perfecto BERRA
Kidded around JOKED
Beef cut from the leg SHANK
Sorceress who turned men to boars CIRCE
Completed, as a cartoon INKED
Some multifunction printer transmissions FAXES
"Ulysses" poet TENNYSON
Didn't perish LIVEDON
Valuable rock ORE
Yell "Heads up!" to, say WARN
Virginia who wrote "Mrs. Dalloway" WOOLF
Indulge in self-praise BRAG
Having no peer LONE
Minuscule quantity IOTA
Smallpox vaccination memento SCAR
Indonesian tourism center BALI
Duct tape's many USES
"A ___ pittance!" MERE
"The ___ of Christmas" (37-Down poem) EVE
Class where DNA is studiedend BIO
Chew out SCOLD
Minor falling-out TIFF
Head for the seabed DIVE
Impressive display ARRAY
Home to most of Russia ASIA
Strike out, in a way OMIT
Stretchy fastener RUBBERBAND
Words before snuff or scratch UPTO
DVRs can skip them ADS
National Ice Cream Month JULY
Applies lightly, as perfume DABSON
Deal closer's word DONE
Sand dune, e.g. HILL
Big cheeses NABOBS
"Lethal Weapon" series regular JOEPESCI
Prophetic signs OMENS
Word processing option FONT
Place for a soccer player's guard SHIN
"What rotten luck!" DARN
Runs off with TAKES
Jurassic or Jellystone PARK
Pound of poetry EZRA
Partners no more EXES
Mounted warrior's spear LANCE
Added zip to SEASONED
Like the Witch of the West WICKED
Cafe dispensers URNS
Ballpark crowd antic WAVE
"Lordy!" in Liverpool BLIMEY
Needing liniment SORE
Mooch, as a smoke BUM
Word after weight or waiting ROOM
A shortstop may cover it SECONDBASE
Gambler's stake ANTE
Out-of-round, perhaps OVAL
Vessel at a refinery OILER
Part of a clock's mechanism GEAR
Foam darts brand NERF
Assault on the eardrums NOISE

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