Monday, August 6, 2018

August 7th 2018 - News Day

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Below you will find all the solutions to News Day Crossword from August 7th 2018.

August 7th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
Athlete's TV shout to a parent HIMOM
Just __ (small amount, as of hair gel) ADAB
Exerciser's excess weight FLAB
Like very much ADORE
Former Italian coin LIRA
Brand of kids' bricks LEGO
First Soviet leader LENIN
Above OVER
Knitting material YARN
Consider seriously TAKETOHEART
Observe SEE
California wine valley NAPA
Any one of the two EITHER
Royal palace CASTLE
__ bear (Arctic beast) POLAR
''Without further __ . . .'' ADO
Sudden invasion RAID
Mountain chain RIDGE
Shortstop's workplace BASEBALLDIAMOND
Gooey campfire treat SMORE
Soft throw TOSS
Dustcloth RAG
Gold bar INGOT
Fill with bubbles AERATE
Man's formal wear TUXEDO
Top choice, informally FAVE
Suffix for nectar INE
Kiwanis or Rotary SERVICECLUB
Bicycle wheel TIRE
Very small batteries AAAS
Annoying din NOISE
Molecule part ATOM
Satirical routine SKIT
Used a stopwatch on TIMED
First in line NEXT
Cravings YENS
Snow vehicles SLEDS
Sentry's shout HALT
Notion IDEA
Monastery dweller MONK
The Far East ORIENT
Of the mind MENTAL
Hawaiian farewell ALOHA
Jump into a pool DIVE
Neighborhood AREA
Large beer holder BARREL
Travel by plane FLY
Dog's tether LEASH
Concur (with) AGREE
Big mistake BONER
Show with sopranos OPERA
Princess' crown TIARA
Quick haircut TRIM
Cars for hire CABS
Abel's father ADAM
Mediocre SOSO
Cockpit boss PILOT
Probabilities ODDS
Female singing voice ALTO
TV toon explorer DORA
Pesky insect GNAT
Outer boundary EDGE
A Great Lake ERIE
Flexes BENDS
Sir __ Newton ISAAC
Be lenient GOEASY
Happenings EVENTS
Pull back in fear RECOIL
Mythical giant like Atlas TITAN
Bring together UNITE
Canon's rival in copiers XEROX
Boxer's weapons FISTS
Leaf-gathering implement RAKE
Egotistical VAIN
Green citrus fruit LIME
No longer new USED
Cots and cribs BEDS
911 responder: Abbr. EMT

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