Monday, August 6, 2018

August 7th 2018 - Star Tribune

Thank you for visiting Crossword Solutions.

Below you will find all the solutions to Star Tribune Crossword from August 7th 2018.

August 7th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
Punctuation mark COMMA
Camera glass LENS
Highlander SCOT
Unfriendly ALOOF
Emanate EMIT
Hourly pay WAGE
Make merry REVEL
Boot tip TOE
Drive out OUST
Gets the soap off RINSES
Overweight FAT
Revise copy EDIT
____ status (single or not) MARITAL
Passed, as time ELAPSED
Sunburn remedy ALOE
Swiftness HASTE
Land parcel ACRE
Apprehends NABS
Soccer's ____ Hamm MIA
Source ROOT
Fail to include OMIT
Supernatural EERIE
Uncivil RUDE
Reagan and McDonald RONALDS
Detroit product AUTO
Put down SET
____ bomb ATOMIC
Mental image IDEA
Small rug MAT
Yonder THERE
____ Fitzgerald ELLA
Juvenile TEEN
____ beam LASER
City light NEON
Water whirl EDDY
Patriot ____ Allen ETHAN
Small wagon CART
Bread spread OLEO
Budge MOVE
A Stooge MOE
Waterborne AFLOAT
Leases LETS
Ham it up EMOTE
Zero NIL
Free from germs STERILE
Long-necked bird SWAN
City vehicles CABS
Stare OGLE
Driving aids TEES
Pinup ____ Hayworth RITA
Mormon state UTAH
Spanish party FIESTA
Minor aspect DETAIL
Stately home MANOR
Texas shrine ALAMO
Batman's sidekick ROBIN
Most feeble LAMEST
Talking pet PARROT
Corrode ERODE
Prevent DETER
Polite address SIR
Leisure EASE
Hideout LAIR
George Harrison, e.g. BEATLE
Lubricated OILED
Hymn ending AMEN
Floor piece TILE
Norway's capital OSLO
Intend MEAN
Refute DENY
Netting MESH
District AREA
Shore bird TERN
Sleeping place BED
Sombrero, e.g. HAT

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