Monday, November 26, 2018

November 27th 2018 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from November 27th 2018.

November 27th 2018 Answers

Clue Solution
Seal, swallow or slug returned PLUG
Rat and skunk perhaps ... GRASS
... for 5 and donkey DOPE
Alternative point roughly behind duck OPTION
Top spider and mule SPINNER
One has endless nuts for sloth IDLENESS
Kids possibly pocketing right money, once GROATS
Second TV show for kid SPROG
Monkey tails on redwood and cypress trees TAMARINDS
Fox the other little animal SEXKITTEN
Bird, small cock STILT
Bird, one rabbiting and yakking? MAGPIE
Bank filling boxes for birds SPARROWS
Tying up last in litter, noise from animal houses MOORING
Bear hugging love, uninspired BORING
Animal, bag finally put on back FROG
Lion beginning to nibble bird HERON
A little flatus hurts 5 TUSH
People dart nervously around intimidating leader, getting butterflies LEPIDOPTERA
Nothing in treatment of budgie OK for leading publication? GUIDEBOOK
Pig bird GANNET
Topless girl, animal ASS
Smart boy getting fish STINGRAY
Loud noise has set off dog DINGO
Average fish, shortened PAR
Interval markers close to riderless horses SPACERS
Game having had a few bats TIDDLYWINKS
Explain resistance going in to bury hamster, perhaps? INTERPRET
Sheep sit on the rocks, quite high STEEPISH
Nonmetal cups gobbled up by shark CARBON
Beaver's bottom surrounded by odour that's sharp PRONG
Damage when sheep rolled over MAR
Ingredient of pudding, a raw fish GAR

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