Thursday, February 28, 2019

March 1st 2019 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from March 1st 2019.

March 1st 2019 Answers

Clue Solution
Flowering closer somehow in garden boundary FLORESCENCE
What the hippies sought: extra love amongst the trees? GROOVE
No railway includes line maintained by Scotsman? That’s the usual state of affairs NORMALCY
Hints Bill embraces lady in odd positions in closed-off area CULDESAC
Old Testament filling American’s heart regarding sex EROTIC
Certain skill Liberal held in reserve for part of speech DEFINITEARTICLE
Hare? Scut entire, sir, or somewhat damaged RESURRECTIONIST
Easily flowing in pipe, not empty FLUENT
Chap embracing elected parliamentarian MINISTER
Popular group heading off lack of engagement INACTION
Obscure flash in college yard CLOUDY
Homer’s error is someone else’s problem NOTMYPIGEON
What the crystal ball presages: money will get crucial FORTUNETELLING
Nothing very old, mind (odd bits excepted) - like the curate’s egg? OVOID
Sheep being trimmed in smaller numbers EWE
Study research funding, say, as a means of atonement CONSCIENCEMONEY
Note monarch, in time before festival, displaying self-possession NERVE
Time and space mostly set up ERA
Halts indolence if this is damaged? On the contrary! ACHILLESTENDON
Winter sportsman very quietly easing away from captain SKIER
Vegetable, something not to be considered, on reflection? I will tuck in ONION
Judge, escaping harm, has to get tougher INURE
Government in control in time in power REIGN
Explosive pervaded by a current contamination TAINT
Affliction around night-time, primarily SNORE
Against clubs playing? CON
Life-force a bit reduced CHI

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