Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 23rd 2019 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from December 23rd 2019.

December 23rd 2019 Answers

Clue Solution
Diamonds hidden by one not wanting to leave what's left REMAINDER
Occurs in spades after autumn FALLS
One left on board not having been ignited UNLIT
Exceptionally fine wine drunk in a second SUPPORTER
Affected by trichinosis - almost collapsing HISTRIONIC
Opening of medical facility near the centre of Malvern VENT
Object expert needs to examine PROTEST
A refusal by university hospital to admit the Italian dramatist ANOUILH
Idea Tory dismissed sharing thus becoming a doubter SCEPTIC
Poins, for instance, taking in the opening of Lancaster's decisive argument SETTLER
Composer essentially disregarded by a great many people HOST
Places without parking designed to accommodate sheltered walks of limited size SMALLSCALE
Guarantee from uranium mines in recession recently STIPULATE
Abandoned oil cans made mostly into circular designs OCULI
Dog bowl initially ignored by bird EAGLE
Criticise position on books in opposition to official policy DISSIDENT
Makeshift neckwear by the sound of it ROUGH
Philosopher's temper becomes a cross to bear MILLSTONE
It's including inaccurate centres as crosses INTERSECTS
Play about dalliance with girl DISPORT
Copy both sides of reverse fold REPLICA
Set up animal run FLOW
Turner's state of excitement cut short LATHE
Lie about returning after spell in prison STRETCHER
About to review stories by Malawi's principal educator MONTESSORI
Job to detest? Describing the bottom of Mistress Quickly POSTHASTE
Lines feeding one kind of malevolence ILLNATURE
Require company employee to live in Maryland COMMAND
Learned about pipe lengths originally required on Snetzler's earliest organs SPLEENS
Sons standing by Heather for support SLING
Be without at first EXIST
Reflect in silence as first of birds goes south MUSE

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