Monday, January 27, 2020

January 28th 2020 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from January 28th 2020.

January 28th 2020 Answers

Clue Solution
Haver, beginning to abandon drug OWNER
Go round denying Republican's remarks on passing OBIT
Screening show about sleuth Italian's backing PROTECTIVE
Dickens protagonist rebuffs field officer COPPER
Good call about hostile interrogation GRILLING
Prince Charming wants china the French added CHARLES
Scatter most of the crumbs STREWTH
Worried sea dog in rocks AGONISED
Latvian ruler's character LETTER
Hack majority of trip with top celebs JOURNALIST
Lacklustre Eisteddfod winner retired DRAB
Deal from cedar trees brought back TRADE
Old liberal teacher withdraws evidence of Book 9 EXLIBRIS
Tax point in addition covers large hotel TOLBOOTH
Women's record time greeted effusively WEPT
Senseless state positions retreating troops STUPOR
Skinflint goes crazy munching odd bits of carrot SCROOGE
Love is thwarted in books one writes NOVELIST
Left writer fitting in second episode INSTALMENT
Yellow and black bird caught first CRAVEN
Irrational old man conducted test involving medium PARANORMAL
Finish importing European energy, working in hardship ENSLAVED
Topical article, dull in character primarily THEMATIC
Coach first of all drives all over the place ADVISER
4's visitors make grand MCs GHOSTS
Short story about dry lake LITTLE
It's run up by girl coming out close to midnight DEBT

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