Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 18th 2020 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from March 18th 2020.

March 18th 2020 Answers

Clue Solution
Drunken priest shows lively wit ESPRIT
Passing wind, single dad goes back inside ELAPSING
Curlicue is slightly plain, perhaps? FLOURISH
Adjust drape in church CHANGE
Glen cuddles Unionist rogue for entertainment VAUDEVILLE
Follow Dravidian language, but heart isn't in it TAIL
A radical statesman, and another? ARKANSAN
Can head of trafficking ring enable one to infiltrate? TOILET
Piece of advice: crock should reverse to get to A1 TIPTOP
Stray from the subject of scandal involving Mariah Carey? DIVAGATE
Respectable blonde just fine FAIR
Happening to break kinky women's toys often par for the course? SEVENTYTWO
6 tease old ill-tempered woman VIRAGO
A large number of staff eaten by big cat from the east REGIMENT
Wanton and loose? Nuts ache! UNCHASTE
Strips down to the essentials before 24 hours around hot city RIYADH
Like girl to somersault, then take top off, in dance SALSA
Without acceleration due to gravity, earth is spherical ROUND
First Lady stuffs this in trousers THIEVES
Musk worn by revolutionary is rank ECHELON
Funding for campaign work is cancelled, which is extremely sly ARCHEST
Remarkable bird swallows tail of bandicoot STARTLING
Breaking linnet egg is irresponsible NEGLIGENT
Downfall when union oddly stops helping RUINATION
Frame that suspect, in the end AFTERMATH
Pressure on 10 Downing Street leads to Leadsom selling arms PISTOLS
Various loons on ecstasy DIVERSE
Slav in e.g. Armenia fences off alcohol? VINEGAR
Delicious introduction to yeasty ... er ... goodness YUMMY
Drank, and complained audibly WINED

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