Saturday, March 21, 2020

March 22nd 2020 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from March 22nd 2020.

March 22nd 2020 Answers

Clue Solution
A table on the Orient Express? ABOARD
Boisterous rubbish coach enters into ROBUST
A spirit seen by mansion in Battle AGINCOURT
Old boy and knight drinking a port OBAN
Beat-up cars heading off for city abroad ANGERS
Make light of ultimately crap yield PLAYDOWN
Sorry I've messed up making changes REVISORY
One against physician tickling nurses ANTI
When army leader seizes one big piece of ground! ASIA
We take advantage of retired players EXACTORS
Highly-clever sort in Arabic novel BRAINIAC
Cook bones? DOCTOR
It's said I possess a bit of Scottish land IONA
Foreign citizen in care led astray ICELANDER
Stick to a present with inset diamonds ADHERE
Caretaker of tower to meet Her Maj KEEPER
Difficult problem bar trainees sorted BRAINTEASER
US soldier tucking into brew in Mobile AGILE
Result of ridicule? Republican becomes cold! DECISION
Singer associated with Brown and Plant RATTAN
Catholic dude demolishes head of school on TV BROADCAST
Musical genre Mark heard on radio SKA
Concoct happy lectures? I might! SUPPLYTEACHER
A crew's route up the Thames? WATERCOURSE
Dead hot article on current lover INANIMATE
Book by poet and journalist Spooner's mentioned HARDBACK
Eat around six? That's wonderful! DIVINE
Worry about daughter in revolutionary group CADRE
Saggy and wrinkled, but daring to go topless OLD

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