Monday, June 1, 2020

June 2nd 2020 - Independent Uk Cryptic

Thank you for visiting Crossword Solutions.

Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from June 2nd 2020.

June 2nd 2020 Answers

Clue Solution
Commanding officer firm with fanatic for fruit COCONUT
Watch idiot in space returning MONITOR
Which people get the French undivided WHOLE
Deliberate disadvantages to Conservative promises CONSCIOUS
Many tiny flies around Oscar providing invisibility ANONYMITY
Employer embraces husband and doorkeeper USHER
Distant motorway building FARM
Most unhinged Asian regularly seen between homes INSANEST
German to live on river boat BERLINER
Liberal lout is idle LOAF
Finish off set of drinks in rotation ROUND
Verbally attacks untidy stationer TEARSINTO
Comparable articles on symbol by American ANALOGOUS
Part of photograph identifies louse APHID
One way lake gets covered by the plant THISTLE
Son and uncle possibly faint SLENDER
Farm hand is constant female with lowered head COWMAN
Child crazy about consumed treat CHOCOLATE
Wanting river to rise in New York NEEDY
Wreck of Titanic contains account for strategist TACTICIAN
Setter's holding single note perhaps MONEY
Rotten acorn nut left out at night NOCTURNAL
Perhaps canine is overly tough on the outside TOOTH
Relax around middle of Azores holiday spot RESORT
Awkward dolt, Maria, is clumsy MALADROIT
Beats idiots after drink involving drop of rum SURPASSES
Stopped flow of blood from cut hands damaged with end of knife STAUNCHED
Bronze compass point in chest BREAST
Ability to hide bit of dry dust POWDER
Taste underlying mustard and mace ingredients first of all UMAMI
Things over there start to tear stockings THOSE
Disturb small fish SHAKE

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