Monday, July 27, 2020

July 28th 2020 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from July 28th 2020.

July 28th 2020 Answers

Clue Solution
Top model every year ran out of energy PARAGON
Extremely pretty stuff like dark clothing? PYJAMAS
Current judge retires after initially libelling prisoner LIFER
Typically rich female Conservative rebel defends name BLUERINSE
Unusually bold one got football award GOLDENBOOT
Now and then turn out for brisk walk TROT
She had bra fixed by top woman dealer for buttons HABERDASHER
Burns lines, 25 TAMOSHANTER
March on a reservation ABUT
Bits covered by these foreign articles? Rubbish! UNDERPANTS
Excuse one in vestment beside the writer ALIBI
At first, trouble and strife shattered tiles TITFERS
City police seizing second runner's formal wear MESSKIT
Fleece attendant the Spanish brought in PELAGE
Disturb fellow and female breaking the law RUFFLE
Water pipe goes wonky, swamping forest hotel GARDENHOSE
Collar on old boy's top dog NABOB
Film dog and feline running round royal 4 PLUTOCRAT
Yank's jack and king capturing queen JERK
Rule operating during parade at end of May MONARCHY
Cornish consumers are the tops SWEATERS
Shock! Bouquets given to setters! HAIRSPRAYS
Potty's not supported at the top in lodging BRAINLESS
Society which admits inexperienced boater for one STRAWHAT
A doctor regularly pulls soldier fit to walk AMBULANT
Nice one to choose to extract sewer's product? UNPICK
Repair this initially rather tempting top TSHIRT
Record a few short races here EPSOM
Move carefully, say, touring Germany and Spain EDGE

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