Sunday, February 28, 2021

March 1st 2021 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from March 1st 2021.

March 1st 2021 Answers

Clue Solution
Character to eviscerate Nazarene TONE
Pull on weed relentlessly shackles donkey CHAINSMOKE
Left at sea, aim to make forecast PORTEND
Sons in poor health — would this bring on nausea? SAILING
Singer in a wooded hollow heard ADELE
Poor snail one Yankee cooked with onions LYONNAISE
Ruthless to spread lies about terrible truth CUTTHROAT
Weapon, returned to court, that causes bleed EXACT
Discharge of gas put through drink RHEUM
Fitting fresh cover for metal bearings PERTINENT
Right arm is not broken in heavy fall RAINSTORM
Inventive sort decorates Lancastrian houses TESLA
Energy cuts must stop HEAVETO
Annoyed when struggling to find pain reliever ANODYNE
Ice for this lolly? BLOODMONEY
Goddess wants case dropped in Boeotian city HEBE
One needing floor that's hard and carpet free? TAPDANCER
Message sensibly conveyed in this bottle NERVE
Covered earlier clothing left for Spanish gentleman HIDALGO
Republican on camera coming round to sum up INSHORT
Genre briefly returned in horrific series SCIENCEFICTION
One trap set during harangue in spring ORIGINATE
Hunter and dog requiring no introduction EAGLE
Border teams helped to build new town HEMELHEMPSTEAD
Make hit plays and perform amusing opera THEMIKADO
Repetitive notes written about adult in private meeting TETEATETE
Enquiry ended early on ring with no charges PROBONO
Servant goes with crowd for violent disorder RAMPAGE
What’s taken into staff about to give treatment REHAB
Reportedly steps over fence in dash STYLE

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