Friday, May 14, 2021

May 15th 2021 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from May 15th 2021.

May 15th 2021 Answers

Clue Solution
In which joint ventures may be supervised WOODWORK
Beetle about having run into destroyer SCARAB
Relation flying from the east ORIENTAL
Foreign currency for exchange RIALTO
Short service collecting money for another MATINS
Local network process interrupting web when current surges first INTRANET
Family called about old English fruit BLOODORANGE
Methodical, obsessive UK finance centre withdrawn ANALYTIC
Setter demanding cashback? RENNET
Black alloy, cool, turned yellow when exposed NIELLO
Maybe there's more about single air, one that's sweet? PIMIENTO
Fights arranged, at worst intermittently cancelled SETTOS
Tease old lady for pinching a spice CARDAMOM
Disheartened fighter rejected harsh conflict BOERWAR
Move stealthily before hard and difficult battle EDGEHILL
Vessels positioned on course almost recalled AORTAS
In dire straits, a figure of the aristocracy TSARITSA
Mother hen reported in the old country MALAYA
Articles separately buried by red revolutionary grounded in the US EARTHED
Ever-changing special cook prepared to enthral papers KALEIDOSCOPIC
Barn you once used to block Yorkshire runner OUTHOUSE
Metallic amalgam that could make nut gleam GUNMETAL
Take strength from us in stirring novel UNSINEW
Defeat finally conceded -- woe is ancient besieged city DESTROY
Record having passed? Not according to this LPLATE
Overturned litigant film custodian issuing notice REMARK

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