Friday, August 27, 2021

August 28th 2021 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from August 28th 2021.

August 28th 2021 Answers

Clue Solution
Harry Belafonte and I entertaining member of crew LIFEBOATMEN
Ask about Jamaican music SKA
Joke about extremely unethical prison camp GULAG
Scratching an ace copper plate finish CULMINATE
Apes' food MUSHYPEAS
Believe lecturer's cleared of deceit and bias BEVEL
Characters occasionally dropping in on our Nan, near my sister's house NUNNERY
Close market PLUG
Time bomb failed to open vault TOMB
Present greeting bishop in doorway EXHIBIT
Shackled by flipping extreme dominatrix's device MODEM
School again discover Greek coin before start of excavation REEDUCATE
Star making record on champagne SUPERNOVA
British Liberal politician embracing international reactionary sort BLIMP
Playing 17, hung, without a bit of string - it could stop the big game ELEPHANTGUN
Legislative body's sub-par elements limiting government bond LIGAMENT
The Dutchman, say, regularly likes doin' smoke rings FOLKSONG
Soft, wet lad touring empty 9 BOGGY
After crashing car the man goes by railway to get to sport ARCHERY
Exploits work's weakling MILKSOP
Little sweeper turned Ian Rush - initially left back's taken in NAILBRUSH
Fast cooker with a recipe for cow's heart STARVE
Ancient Head of Entertainment dividing a TV channel AGEOLD
Online business is drug trafficking? ECOMMERCE
Smash-and-grab, I find grating ABRADING
It might accompany Harry Belafonte - troupe's outsiders must visit Italian city on the way back STEELPAN
How a boxer might read poem on the radio - its lines are, crucially, of different sizes BARCODE
Why ease off moonshine? EYEWASH
Strange times, son. Abso-bloomin-lutely? TMESIS
Remodels contemporary apartment second ADAPTS
Half your collar turned up in town URBAN

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