Tuesday, September 28, 2021

September 29th 2021 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from September 29th 2021.

September 29th 2021 Answers

Clue Solution
Formal document containing a Catholic's letter CHARACTER
Donation perhaps left in error HANDOUT
Plant stylish hedge INSTALL
Crumpled banknote wrapped around a toxic food additive TONKABEAN
One fleeced Al Capone, one conceded, when returning alcohol, primarily ALPACA
Cleaner receives award from the queen in assembly room CHAMBER
Wipe out many years, say, when time drifts away ERADICATE
Do reports badly, leading to instruction to sell shares STOPORDER
Thailand's currency in difficulty TROUBLE
TV station expels new fashion designer CHANEL
Bore pilot silly, which is novel POTBOILER
Teletubby twice to regret making comeback to make catchy music EUROPOP
Small three-wheeler beginning to roll forward STRIKER
Spooner's crude technique that's used to send messages MORSECODE
Currencies firm for a long time COINAGES
When to get son donkey ASS
Lawless American agent held in custody at first ANARCHIC
Inclination to drill until Thursday TILT
Sensitive Conservative regularly dithers about thick-skinned individual RHINOCEROS
An Arabic drink knocked over in Asian city ANKARA
Pothead captured in bust on Erraid STONER
Black underpants supporting several balls - that's too much of a load OVERBURDEN
Toy weapon has unusual rings to crack safe PEASHOOTER
Fail to secure weapon? Not I - it can go off without reason FALSEALARM
Heroes in fancy restaurant NOSHERIE
A falling pound stops professional recess PROLAPSE
Asian drunk discussed office worker TYPIST
Streams silent movie star BROOKS
Care for back REAR
Head of Parlophone loves scat POO

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