Thursday, February 21, 2019

February 22nd 2019 - Independent Uk Cryptic

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Below you will find all the solutions to Independent Uk Cryptic Crossword from February 22nd 2019.

February 22nd 2019 Answers

Clue Solution
Silly smile upset NCO at first SMIRK
Drop, clutching tip of hand in pain in landing zone BEACHHEAD
Company mistreated millions adopting a means to exploit dependencies COLONIALISM
Three-handed bridge? That’s novel NEW
Historic city kid - Artful Dodger’s place? Not half BABYLON
Satisfying consultation MEETING
Row of houses unfinished, having applied excessive source of awful reddish colour TERRACOTTA
Beginning to lose a little lead STAR
Fellow more-or-less happy about liberal people FOLK
Select CAPS, when making edits - they make things easier to read SPECTACLES
Hard to avoid best flowering plant CAMPION
Father’s active and delicate FRAGILE
Special former lover offering it? SEX
Small measure dished up when in Egypt PENNYWEIGHT
A dodgy smile, cunning, but without intent AIMLESSLY
Without friends, getting drunk, tucking into beer ALONE
Old instrument has wine barrel cut down SACKBUT
Restrictive arrangement of Braille in one line ILLIBERAL
Family stuff fixing climax of historical tragedy KINGLEAR
Intelligence in Britain having to fall BRAIN
Given a kiss, I will get romantic, losing head, forgetting name AXIOMATIC
Tragic figure, male, accommodated in vigorous time HAMLET
Lack of interest in Rossini unnecessarily picked up ENNUI
Party with a German widow DOWAGER
The other side chooses to keep on interrupting writer OPPONENTS
Tense singer hogging piece should get reprimand TALKINGTO
Prison’s mostly safeguarding a downbeat US city PASADENA
Such - if developed - will lead to a flower FUCHSIA
Dear little resident in farm buildings losing tail SWEETIE
Medicinal plant is coming up before tree after area’s cleared SIMPLE
Machine-gun, variable in harm MAXIM
Fine place to stop, not wanting a quick trip past FLYBY

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